
Posted on January 1, 1 • 1 min read • 125 words
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Who, why and where am i?


I'm employed as a lead developer at Bolignet-Aarhus, a non profit ISP in Denmark.


I've been living around Aarhus for the last 14 years.

Development tools

MacOs for productiviy, Python for coding, VsCode as the editor of choice.

Martin Stendorf
locale | grep LC_ALL

Additional features include:

  • Long time Emacs/Vim user who now migrated to VsCode
  • Long time Linux desktop user for productivity, recently moved to MacOs for convenience.
  • Feels at home in CLI environment
  • Programming languages are tools and I can code in whatever. Prefers python for the simplicity and development speed whenever possible
  • Enjoys tinkering and checking out new tech
  • Recently became a dad so the time for tinkering with new tech has been limited a bit.
Follow me

If for some reason you would want to see more of me I also generate web trash at theese locations. Should you wanna buy me a beer click the heart, as beer is love.